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Elscint to highlight CT and nuclear medicine


Recent advances in CT and nuclear medicine will take center stageat Elscint's RSNA booth. In CT, the Israeli firm will introduceSeleCT/SP, a new entry-level spiral CT platform targeted at developingcountries. SeleCT/SP is a compact 1.8-second scanner

Recent advances in CT and nuclear medicine will take center stageat Elscint's RSNA booth. In CT, the Israeli firm will introduceSeleCT/SP, a new entry-level spiral CT platform targeted at developingcountries.

SeleCT/SP is a compact 1.8-second scanner that features solid-statedetectors, like Elscint's premium CT-Twin scanner. It can cover60 cm in a single 60-second spiral acquisition with resolutionof 12 lp/cm and a field-of-view of 485 mm.

MasterWorks is a new set of CT image processing techniques tobe shown for the first time. MasterCut enables clinicians to delineatea curve of interest along vessels or airways. MasterMatch is amultimodality image registration package, while MasterFilm allowsimages to be previewed and edited before printing.

In nuclear medicine, Elscint will highlight its digital Varicamadjustable-angle dual-head gamma camera, introduced earlier thisyear (SCAN 6/7/95). Elscint is awaiting 510(k) clearance for thecamera, according to Richard Brown, marketing manager.

The company's TransACT attenuation correction protocol, whichworks on both Varicam and the CardiaL 90° dual-head camera,recently received the Food and Drug Administration's nod. In nuclearmedicine image processing, Elscint will show a new version 4.0release of its XPert workstation software that supports new applications,including gated SPECT and image registration.

Elscint has beefed up its prowess in PACS with a sales and marketingagreement with Agfa. Elscint will integrate Agfa's Impax systemand its DryStar printer with its own products and will bring Agfasales reps into its sites where connectivity solutions are needed.Elscint recently formed a connectivity department to help integrateits products with those of other vendors using the DICOM 3.0 standard.

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