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Hitachi's SF-VA 100 paces new products


The design of this Japanese vendor's new x-ray angiography systemhas been raising eyebrows since it was featured in a panel displayin the company's booth at the 1994 RSNA meeting. SF-VA 100 isa rotational angiography system, but it looks more like a CT

The design of this Japanese vendor's new x-ray angiography systemhas been raising eyebrows since it was featured in a panel displayin the company's booth at the 1994 RSNA meeting. SF-VA 100 isa rotational angiography system, but it looks more like a CT scanner,due to the gantry that houses the system's x-ray tube and assembly.

Hitachi will finally be able to test the commercial watersfor SF-VA 100 after receiving 510(k) clearance for the productthis summer. SF-VA 100 generates up to 288 views acquired in a360° rotation performed in five seconds. The digitized sequencemay be played back in subtracted or nonsubtracted modes to createa detailed 360° perspective of selected vasculature and surroundingstructures.

In MRI, enhancements for the open-style Airis and 1.5-teslaStratis will be the promotional focal points for Hitachi. Thecompany will highlight version 4.0 software for the 0.3-teslaAiris, which features image display and control panel refinements,improved fast spin-echo imaging, and fast fluid-attenuated inversionrecovery (Fast Flair), a sequence for fluid-suppressed T2-weightedimaging. The Stratis presentation will feature phased-array coilsand echo-planar imaging, according to Sheldon Schaffer, directorof marketing.

The ultrasound section of Hitachi's booth will feature EUB-525,a color-flow scanner. The system has been displayed at previousRSNA meetings, but Hitachi began shipments in August after receivingFDA clearance, according to Patrick Herguth, product manager forthe ultrasound division.

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