Nuclear medicine vendor ADAC Laboratories will highlight its MolecularCoincidence Detection (MCD) technique, which enables high-energypositron imaging to be conducted on gamma cameras without theuse of the heavy collimators employed in 511-KeV imaging.
Nuclear medicine vendor ADAC Laboratories will highlight its MolecularCoincidence Detection (MCD) technique, which enables high-energypositron imaging to be conducted on gamma cameras without theuse of the heavy collimators employed in 511-KeV imaging.
ADAC, of Milpitas, CA, debuted MCD at the Society of NuclearMedicine meeting in Minneapolis earlier this year (SCAN 6/21/95).By employing the digital architecture of ADAC's Epic technology,MCD uses electronic collimation to measure coincidents, whichoccur when photons are released at 180° angles due to theannihilation of an electron by a positron. MCD achieves an intrinsicresolution of 4 mm, compared to about 10-mm resolution in 511-KeVimaging. ADAC is awaiting 510(k) clearance for the technique.
ADAC's Solus and Cardio gamma cameras will also make their RSNAdebut. Introduced at the SNM meeting, Solus is a fixed-angle 180°dual-head camera, while Cardio is a 90° dual-head for dedicatedcardiac imaging. The new products are designed to target specificapplications at a lower price point than ADAC's premium Vertexcamera.
The third part of ADAC's new product triangle is Vantage, thevendor's attenuation-correction protocol for cardiac imaging,which received Food and Drug Administration clearance in April(SCAN 5/10/95).
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