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Nominees For “Top People to Watch in Radiology”


Check out the profiles for the nominees for “Top People to Watch in Radiology” and vote for who deserves to win.

Readers nominated who should be in the running for our inaugural “Top People to [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_crop","fid":"28815","attributes":{"alt":"Top People to Watch in Radiology","class":"media-image media-image-right","id":"media_crop_273897836905","media_crop_h":"0","media_crop_image_style":"-1","media_crop_instance":"2948","media_crop_rotate":"0","media_crop_scale_h":"0","media_crop_scale_w":"0","media_crop_w":"0","media_crop_x":"0","media_crop_y":"0","style":"height: 200px; width: 200px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin: 1px; float: right;","title":" ","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]Watch in Radiology” contest, now help us decide who gets the honors! Profiles of the nominees are below, vote for your favorites here.

Voting will close November 21, 2014.

Read full contest rules here.



Ben Strong, MD, ABIM, ABR
"Dr. Strong is a proponent for analytics in radiology as a way to help radiology take a leadership role in leading discussions around improving healthcare delivery. He believes that analytics are no longer an option; they are a requirement for radiology to remain relevant.

He has worked within vRad to create data informatics tools since existing solutions in the marketplace did not provide the insight that vRad needed to make better decisions for patients and the practice."

Vote for Dr. Strong here.


Cary Siegel, MD
Mallinckrodt Institute, Washington University
"Dr. Cary Siegel is an excellent clinician and teacher. She is the director of both the GI and GU readiology sections at Mallinckrodt, gives presentations at national radiology meetings and has been a guest lecturer at many well-known radiology programs around the country. She has astounding energy and drive for excellence in her work. She is a fine radiologist and teacher."

Vote for Dr. Cary Siegel here.


Eliot Siegel, MD
University of Maryland; Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center
"Dr. Eliot Siegel is an outstanding researcher and educator."

Vote for Dr. Eliot Siegel here.


Garry Choy, MD, MBA
Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School
"Dr. Choy is a pioneer in radiology. He has worked to find new ways that radiology can help patients. He started the radiology clinic which provides consultations to patients about their radiology reports. Dr. Choy also has helped set up teleradiology outreach to multiple developing countries."

Vote for Dr. Choy here.


Geraldine McGinty, MD, MBA
Weill Cornell Medical College; American College of Radiology
"Dr. McGinty is a tireless and influential leader as an advocate of radiologists and patients as chair of the ACR’s Commission on Economics and as a thought leader in the Imaging 3.0 campaign."

Vote for Dr. McGinty here.


Jay Bronner, MD
Radiology Partners
"Dr. Bronner is a tireless worker focused on quality patient outcomes in medicine. As the chief medical officer, he leads by example and is always striving to improve quality for the benefit of the patients that receive care at the medical facilities he supports. Dr. Bronner is determined to transform radiology solely for the purpose of providing better patient care."

Vote for Dr. Bronner here.


Jonathan Stevenson, MD
Quantum Imaging and Therapeutic Associates
"Dr. Stevenson is an outstanding role model for other radiologists for business and building relationships. He holds leadership positions at health systems, receives high patient satisfaction, assists business associates in attaining accreditation for various modalities for ACR to validate high quality, and consistently goes above and beyond, etc."

Vote for Dr. Stevenson here.


Richard Duszak, MD
Emory University; Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute
"Dr. Duszak is one of the most influential health services researchers in radiology. He founded the Neiman HPI and has been not only academically prolific, but extremely active as an agent of change in educating radiologists about evolving payment and delivery systems."

Vote for Dr. Duszak here.


Rick Brittain, MD
Premier Health at Miami Valley Hospital
"Dr. Brittain has been an integral part of the expansion of oncology services in the Dayton community by his work in interventional radiology.  He has led this by opening up a Liver Center in conjunction with oncologists to provide options for patients who may not have any to treat or provide relief from their cancer." (Joint nomination with Dr. Kauffman.)

Vote for Dr. Brittain here.


Samir Patel, MD
Elkhart General Hospital Indiana
"Dr. Patel is proactive in documenting and quantifying the value delivered by radiologists and using it to strengthen his group’s relationship with their hospital. Samir eventually was elected to the hospital board!"

Vote for Dr. Patel here.


Shannon Kauffman, MD
Premier Health at Miami Valley Hospital
"Dr. Kauffman has been an integral part of the expansion of oncology services in the Dayton community by his work in interventional radiology. He has led this by opening up a Liver Center in conjunction with oncologists to provide options for patients who may not have any to treat or provide relief from their cancer." (Joint nomination with Dr. Brittain.)

Vote for Dr. Kauffman here.



John Mayes
San Antonio Associates of Radiology
"John is very active within the group, Alamo Area Society of Radiologic Technology. He is a detailed organizer connected with the military training school at Fort Sam Houston known as S.A.M.C., the designation which is the new military hospital service. He is a good communicator and knowledgeable. His skills facilitate the radiologic technologists and ancillary staff."

Vote for John here.


Juan Ortega
"In 14 years every single radiology group Juan has worked with has stated he is, by far, the best technologist they have ever worked with. From The University of Texas, to independent practices, to out-of-state radiology groups, they are all quick to compliment him. Patients have said they have been to other centers and were unable to have the scan done due to position or size and, somehow, Juan is always able to get them done. Radiologists have stated that Juan can get any magnet to do whatever he wants. Juan puts button pushers to shame because of how well he understands the anatomy."

Vote for Juan here.



Danny Hughes, PhD
Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute
"Dr. Hughes has provided exceptional leadership as director of research of the Neiman HPI, the leading researcher in imaging economics."

Vote for Dr. Hughes here.


Hanna Zafar, MD, MHS
University of Pennsylvania
"Dr. Zafar’s work to develop the "Code Abdomen" assessment coding scheme and ARRTE system promises to improve communication of suspected cancers in abdominal imaging studies and to assure appropriate follow-up care. Her work provides a model approach to improve the quality of care in radiology." (Joint nomination with Dr. Cook.)

Vote for Dr. Zafar here.


Tessa Cook, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
"Dr. Cook’s work to develop the "Code Abdomen" assessment coding scheme and ARRTE system promises to improve communication of suspected cancers in abdominal imaging studies and to assure appropriate follow-up care. Her work provides a model approach to improve the quality of care in radiology." (Joint nomination with Dr. Zafar.)

Vote for Dr. Cook here.



Diversified Radiology of Colorado
Private Practice
"Diversified Radiology has a comprehensive after-hours radiology interpretation model, which isn’t matched in its region. They have a dedicated core of after-hours only radiologists. This means that these radiologists are accustomed to the overnight hours and shift demands. Plus it means that there isn’t a random rotation of daytime radiologists shuffling through the after-hours slots. Having a consistent core of night-time radiologists builds better relationships with hospital staff and ED physicians, which directly and indirectly facilitates better/faster patient care. The core after-hours radiologists are hired specifically to fulfill subspecialty slots in the areas of neuroradiology, pediatric radiology and body imaging, and advanced neuro. Cases are routed to and read by radiologists within that particular area of expertise. This level of subspecialized care during the after-hours shifts is vital in the delivery of final interpretations, which enables faster, more accurate results and a more confident and rapid treatment of the patient. The core radiologists are all in-house, and work and live in Colorado. They are part of the communities in which they work, giving them a bond with their fellow radiologists, their referring clinicians and patients alike. Patients receive the same high level of care at 3:00 AM as they would at 3:00 PM."

Vote for Diversified Radiology of Colorado here.


Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute
American College of Radiology
"The Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy institute is the premier group for studying health policy and economics as they pertain to radiology. The institute is involved in a lot of media coverage, scholarly journal publications, and business decision support tools."

Vote for the Harvey L. Neiman Policy Institute here.


Stroll Health
"Stroll Health is a dedicated and dynamic team that hopes to begin their pilot project by the end of the year. A price transparency app for the tablet to be used in the doctor's office, Stroll promises to remove billions in bloated costs from the radiology ecosystem, dramatically improve patient engagement, and drive costs down across the board."

Vote for Stroll Health here.


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