Park Medical forms alliance for high-energy SPECT imaging


Vendor partners with Belgian cyclotron developerGamma camera developer Park Medical Systems has formed an alliancewith a Belgian cyclotron manufacturer to help promote the useof high-energy SPECT imaging of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Park,of

Vendor partners with Belgian cyclotron developer

Gamma camera developer Park Medical Systems has formed an alliancewith a Belgian cyclotron manufacturer to help promote the useof high-energy SPECT imaging of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Park,of Lachine, Quebec, hopes the alliance will improve access toFDG in areas that are not served by existing cyclotrons.

SPECT imaging of FDG is a promising new clinical application,but the short half-life of the radioisotope means that nuclearmedicine facilities must have a cyclotron located nearby. Improvingaccess to FDG through a regional network of cyclotrons is thestrategy behind P.E.T.Net, a joint venture between radiopharmacyfirm Syncor International and cyclotron developer CTI Services(SCAN 6/19/96).

The alliance between Park and the Belgian firm, Ion Beam Applications,would create an alternative to P.E.T.Net, according to RichardMullen, Park's president and CEO. Park is now the exclusive salesagent of IBA cyclotrons in the U.S. and Canada. The company plansto target areas where there is no existing cyclotron to supplyFDG.

Park hopes the alliance will translate into sales of its Isocamgamma cameras to clinicians who want to conduct high-energy imagingwithout acquiring an expensive PET camera. Park customers areconducting high-energy imaging with 511-keV collimators. In addition,Park is developing its modular coded aperture technology (MCAT)to further enhance imaging capabilities at all energies. The companybelieves MCAT confers advantages over coincidence detection technologiesunder development by other companies (SCAN 7/3/96).

Park will offer gamma cameras and cyclotrons on either a straightsale basis or as part of a joint venture with the local provider,in which payment is arranged based on how much FDG the provideruses.

Park has already made one cyclotron/gamma camera installationthrough the alliance, Mullen said. In the deal, a group of physiciansand investors formed a business venture to offer high-energy imagingin a community that previously did not have access to FDG. Thegroup, which Mullen declined to identify, bought five Park gammacameras.

"The more people who are doing FDG imaging, the lowerthe dose price because of the greater volume," Mullen said.

Park is also negotiating with a major radiopharmaceutical vendorthat would bring a distribution capability to the alliance. Parkhopes to make an announcement regarding that relationship thismonth.

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