Liver RFA is the most well-established indication, as reflected by the number of peer-reviewed reports on this topic: more than 50 between 2003 and 2005. One of the studies included 1000 patients. Reports include general reviews but also address survival rates, comparative studies, evaluation of tumor response, complications, combination therapies, imaging strategies, cost evaluations, and variations in technique.
Atwell TD, Brandhagen DJ, Charboeau JW, Nagoney DM, Callstrom MR, Farrell MA
Mayo Clinic
Successful treatment of hepatocellular adenoma with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation
AJR 2005 Mar;184(3):828-831
Bentrem DJ, DeMatteo RP, Blumgart LH
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Hepatobiliary Service
Surgical therapy for metastatic disease to the liver
Annul Rev Med 2005;56:139-156
Berber E, Rogers S, Siperstein A
Cleveland Clinic
Predictors of survival after laparoscopic radiofrequency thermal ablation of hepatocellular cancer: a prospective study
Surg Endosc 2005 Mar 11: Epub ahead of print
Buscarini E, Savoia A, Brambilla G, Menozzi F, Reduzzi L, Stroebel D, Hansler J, Buscarini L, Gaiti L, Zambelli A
Crema, Italy
Radiofrequency thermal ablation of liver tumors
Eur Radiol 2005 May;155:884-894
Gillams AR, Lees WR
Middlesex Hosp London
Radiofrequency ablation of colorectal liver metastases
Abdom Imaging 2005 Mar 15; Epub ahead of print
Huo TI, Lee SD, Wu JC
Taipei Veterans
Med, Surg, Radiol
Ethanol injection versus radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma: which is better?
Gastroenterol 2005 Mar;128(3):806-807
Jaskolka JD, Asch MR, Kachura JR, Ho CS, Ossip M, Wong F, Sherman M, Grant DR, Greig PD, Galliger S
U Health Network Mt Sinai Hosp
Needle tract seeding after radiofrequency ablation of hepatic tumors
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2005 Apr;16(4):485-491
Lencioni R, Della Pina C, Batolozzi C
U Pisa
Percutaneous image-guided radiofrequency ablation in the therapeutic management of hepatocellular carcinoma
Abdom Imaging 2005 Jan 20; Epub ahead of print
Llovet JM
U Barcelona
Liver Unit
Updated treatment approach to hepatocellular carcinoma
J Gastroenterol 2005 Mar;40(3):225-235
Lonardo MT, Cannici F, Turtulici G, Fusi M, Battistini G
Intraoperative radiofrequency ablation: intraductal cooling of the main bile ducts for the prevention of heat damage
Hepatogastroenterology 2005 Mar;52(6):3668-3670
Lu DS, Yu NC, Raman SS, Lassman C, Tong MJ, Britten C, Durazo F, Saab S, Han S, Finn R, Hiatt JR, Busuttil
Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma as a bridge to liver transplantation
Hepatology 2005 May;41(5):1130-1137
Ng KK, Poon RT
Queen Mary Hosp Hong Kong
Radiofrequency ablation for malignant liver tumor
Surg Oncol 2005 Jul;14(1):41-52
Tateishi R, Shiina S, Teratani T, Obi S, Sato S, Koike T, Fujishimma T, Yoshida H, Kawabe T, Omata M
U Tokyo
Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma: an analysis of 1000 cases
Cancer 2005 Mar 15:103(6):1201-1209
Varghese T, Daniels MJ
U Wisconsin Madison
Medical Physics
Real-time calibration of temperature estimates during radiofrequency ablation
Ultrason Imaging 2004 Jul;26(3):185-200
Zhou X, Strobel D, Haensler J, Bernatik T
Hepatic transit time: indicator of the therapeutic response to radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors
Br J Radiol 2005 May; 78(929):433-436
Abdalla EK, Vauthey JN, Ellis V, Pollock R, Broglio KRR, Hess K, Curley SA.
U Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Surgical Oncology
Recurrence and outcomes following hepatic resection, radiofrequency ablation, and combined resection/ablation for colorectal liver metastases
Ann Surg 2004 Jun;239:818-825; discussion 825-827
Anderson CD, Lin WC, Buttemere CR, Washington MK, Mahadevan-Jansen A, Pierce J, Nicoud IB, Pinson CW, Chari RS
Fluoroscopic spectroscopy accurately detects irreversible cell damage during hepatic radiofrequency ablation
Surgery 2004 Sept;136(3):524-531.
Anderson CD, Lin WC, Buttemere CR, Washington MK, Mahadevan-Jansen A, Pierce J, Nicoud IB, Pinson CW, Chari RS
Real-time spectroscopic assessment of thermal damage: implications for radiofrequency ablation
J Gastrointest Surg 2004 Sept-Oct;8(6):660-669
Bentrem DJ, DeMatteo RP, Blumgart LH
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Hepatobiliary Service
Surgical therapy for metastatic disease to the liver
Annu Rev Med 2005;56:139-156
Berber E, Senagore A, Remzi F, Rogers S, Herceg N, Casto K, Siperstein A
Cleveland Clinic
General Surgery
Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors combined with colorectal procedures
Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2004 Aug;14(4):186-190
Bilchik AJ, Wood TE Allegra DP
John Wayne Cancer Inst
Radiofrequency ablation of unresectable hepatic malignancies: lessons learned
The Oncologist 6(1):24-33
Bojalian MO, Machado GR, Swenson R, Reeves ME
Loma Linda
Oncologic Surgery, Surgery
Radiofrequency ablation of liver metastasis from ovarian adenocarcinoma: case report and literature review
Gynecol Oncol 2004 May;93(2):557-560
Curley SA, Marra P, Beaty K, Ellis LM, Vauthey JN, Abdalla EK, Scaife C, Raut C, Wolff R, Choi H, Loyer E, Vallone P, Fiore F, Scordino F, DeRoa V, Orlando R, Pinata S, Daniele B, Izzo F
U Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Surgical Oncology
Early and late complications after radiofrequency ablation of malignant liver tumors in 608 patients
Ann Surg 2004 Apr;239(4):450-458 (Comment 459-463)
Exner AA, Weinberg BD, Stowe NT, Gallacher A, Wilson, DL, Haaga JR, Gao J
Case Western Reserve
Quantitative computed tomography analysis of local chemotherapy in liver tissue after radiofrequency ablation
Acad Radiol 2004 Dec;11(12):1326-3136
Fisher RA, Maluf D, Cotterell AH, Stravitz T, Wolfe L, Luketic V, Sterling R, Shiffman M, Posner M
Transplant Surgery
Non-resective ablation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: effectiveness measured by intention-to-treat and dropout from liver transplant waiting list
Clin Transplant 2004 Oct:18(5):502-512
Friedman MA, Altemus R, Wood BJ
Radiofrequency ablation in a previously irradiated liver
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2003 Oct;14(10):1345-1348
Frezza EE
Texas Tech
Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of solitary hepatic gastrinoma metastases
Dig Dis Sci 2004 Feb;49:224-227
Gazelle GS, McMahon PM, Beinfiled MT, Halpern EF, Weinstein MC
Mass General
Tech Assess/Radiology
Metastatic colorectal carcinoma: cost-effectiveness of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation versus that of hepatic resection
Radiology 2004 Dec 233(3):729-739
Haemmerich D, Lee FT, Schutt DJ, Sampson LA, Webster JG, Fine JP, Mahvi DM
U Wisconsin
Biomed Engineering
Large-volume radiofrequency ablation of ex vivo bovine liver with multiple cooled cluster electrodes
Radiology 2005;Feb 234(2):563-568
Hanna NN
U Kentucky
Cancer Center, General Surgery
Radiofrequency ablation of primary and metastatic hepatic malignancies
Clin Colorectal Cancer 2004 July;4(2):92-100
Hawksworth J, Geisinger K, Zagoria R, Kavanagh P Howerton, R Levine EA, Shen P
Wake Forest
General Surgery
Surgical and ablative treatment for metastatic adenocarcinoma to the liver from unknown primary tumor
Ann Surg 2004 Jun;70(6):512-517
Head HW, Dodd GD III
U Texas San Antonio
Thermal ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma
Gastroenterol 2004 Nov;127(5 suppl1):S167-S178
Helton WS
U Illinois
General Surgery
Minimizing complications with radiofrequency ablation for liver cancer: the importance of properly controlled clinical trials and standardized reporting (comments on)
Ann Surg 2004 Apr;239(4):459-463
Hines-Peralta A, Hollander CY, Solazzo S, Horkan C, Liu ZJ, Goldberg SN
Beth Israel Deaconess
Hybrid radiofrequency and cryoablation device: preliminary results in an animal model
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2004 Oct;15(10):1111-20.
Johnson EW, Holck PS, Levy AE, Yeh MM, Yeung RS
U Washington Seattle
The role of tumor ablation in bridging patients to liver transplantation
Arch Sur 2004 Aug;139(8):825-829, discussion 829-830
Jolesz FA, Hynynen K, McDannold N, Freundlich D, Kopelman D
Brigham and Women's
Noninvasive thermal ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma by using magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound
Gastroenterol 2004;127(5)
Kim AW, Littrup PJ, Walther MM, Hvizda J, Wood BJ
Magnuson Clinical Ctr NIH
Thermal protection during percutaneous ablation of renal cell carcinoma
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2004 Jul;15(7):753-758
Khajanchee YS, Streeter D, Swanstrom LL, Hansen PD
Legacy Health System
Min Invasive Surgery
A mathematical model for preoperative planning of radiofrequency ablation of hepatic tumors
Surg Endosc 2004 Apr;18(4):696-701
Lencioni R, Cioni D, Crocetti L, Franchiani C, Dell Pina C, Lera J, Bartalozzi C
U Pisa
Interventional Radiology
Early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis: long term results of percutaneous image-guided radiofrequency ablation
Radiology 2002;234:961-967
Llovet JM
Mt Sinai
Liver Diseases
Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol 2004 Dec:7(6):431-441
Lu DSK, Yu NC, Raman SS, Lassman C, Murray K, Tong MJ, Amado RG, Busuttil RW
Radiol, Path, Surgery
Radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma: treatment success as defined by histologic examination of the explanted liver
Radiology 2005;234:954-960
McGahan JP
Radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma
J AM Coll Surg.2004 May;198(%):853-4; author replay 854-5
Montgomery RS, Rahal A, Dodd GD 3rd, Leyendecker JR, Hubbard LG
U Texas San Antonio
Medical School
Radiofrequency ablation of hepatic tumors: variability of lesion size using a single ablation device
AJR 2004 Mar;182(3):657-661
Mullen JT, Walsh GL, Abdalla EK, Loyer EM, Curley SA, Vauthy JN
MD Anderson Cancer Ctr
Surgical Oncology
Transdiaphragmatic radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors
J Am Coll Surg 2004 Nov;199(5):826-829
Raman SS, Aziz D, Chang X, Ye M, Sayre J, Lassman C, Lu DS.
Minimizing central bile duct injury during radiofrequency ablation: use of intraductal chilled saline perfusion -- initial observations from a study
Radiology 2004 Jul;232(1):154-159
Raman SS, Aziz D, Chang X, Sayre J, Lassman C, Lu D
Minimizing diaphragmatic injury during radiofrequency ablation: efficacy of intraabdominal carbon dioxide insufflation
AJR 2004 Jul;183(1):197-200
Shankar S, vanSonnenberg E, Morrison PR, Tuncali K, Silverman SG
U Massachusetts
Combined radiofrequency and alcohol injection for percutaneous hepatic tumor ablation
AJR 2004 Nov;183(5):1425-1429
Shea MC
Connecticut VA Hartford
Digestive Diseases
Radiofrequency ablation: putting the heat on liver cancer
Nursing 2004 Dec;34(12):32
Sofocleous CT, Klein KM, Hubbi B, Brown KT, Weiss SH, Kannarkat G, Hinrichs CR, Contractor D, Bahramipour P, Barone A, Baker SR
Histopathologic evaluation of tissue extracted on the radiofrequency probe after ablation of liver tumors: preliminary findings
AJR 2004 Jul;183:209-213
Thomas KT, Bream PR, Berlin J, Meranze SG, Wright JK, Chari RS
Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation
Use of percutaneous drainage to treat hepatic abscess after radiofrequency ablation of metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Am Surg 2004 Jun;70:496-499
Venook AP
UCSF- Mt Zion Center
Cancer Center
Key research issues in the management of hepatocellular cancer
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2004 Sept;54 suppl 1:S87-S90
Ex US of Particular Interest
DeBaere T, Risse O, Kuoch C, Dromain C, Sengel C, Smayra T, Din MCE, Letoublon C, Elias D
Inst Gustave Roussy
Radiology, Surgery
Adverse events during radiofrequency treatment of 582 hepatic tumors
AJR 2003;181:695
Decadt B, Siriwardena AK
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors: systemic review
Lancet Oncol 2004 Sept;5(9):550-560
Livraghi T, Solbiati MF, Meloni GS, Gazelle EF, Halpern EF Goldberg SN,
Ospedale Civile
Treatment of focal liver tumors with percutaneous radio-frequency ablation: complications encountered in a multi-center study
Radiology 2003;226:441
Tranberg KG
Lund University
Percutaneous ablation of liver tumors
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2004 Feb;18(1):125-145