National differences coexist with EC unity
October 23rd 1991The Western European market for medical imaging systems remainsdivided along national lines despite efforts to create a unifiedmarket within the European Community by January 1993. Imagingvendors active in Europe will keep their national sales and
European PACS target on-site needs
October 9th 1991Danube Hospital, a 1200-bed facility in Vienna, will begin trainingon a pioneering Siemens picture archiving and communications systemthis month. The digital system should be in full operation byApril, said Peter H. Grassmann, group executive for Siemens
Philips shows mid-priced ultrasound unit with CVI
October 9th 1991Philips Medical Systems showed a mid-priced version of its premiumPlatinum ultrasound system at the World Federation of Ultrasoundmeeting in Copenhagen and the European Congress of Radiology inVienna last month. The P700 sells for $35,000 less than
GE plans Soviet venture for CT scanner assembly
October 9th 1991GE-CGR signed a preliminary agreement in February with VNIIEM,a central Soviet industrial ministry, for a Moscow-based jointventure to assemble, sell and service CT Max 640 scanners. GE is proceeding with the preparatory phase of this ventureand hopes
Siemens group wins major PACS bid to supply Army, Air Force hospitals
October 9th 1991Siemens and partner Loral Aerospace of San Jose, CA, were awardeda potentially huge contract last month for the supply of picturearchiving and communications systems to U.S. Army and Air Forcemedical treatment facilities. The Siemens/Loral group
Schering sells ultrasound contrast agent in Europe
September 25th 1991Schering has received marketing approval in three European countriesfor its Echovist ultrasound contrast agent. The German pharmaceutical firm, first to enter the world marketwith an MRI contrast agent, received approval for Echovist inFrance and Italy
Open systems support growth in medical 3-D
September 11th 1991Proliferation of three-dimensional medical image processing systemswill accelerate over the next several years (see graph). A primeforce driving 3-D medical imaging is the growing processing powerand open-system architecture of medical workstations,
Houston seeks MR research center
September 11th 1991MR scientists and research labs in the Houston area are developinga proposal to create a regional center for NMR research. If successful,the center will pool local MR research efforts in both spectroscopyand imaging applications, said Dr. Russ Huson,
Florida study uncovers joint-venture problems
August 28th 1991A state-sponsored study has found that Florida residents pay moreand are referred to diagnostic imaging services more often thanresidents of other states. The study attributes this imbalanceto the virtual monopolization of outpatient MRI and CT
Siemens shifts ultrasound product
August 28th 1991Siemens decided this month to consolidate manufacturing of ultrasoundscanners into its Quantum Medical Systems subsidiary in Issaquah,WA. Production of the Siemens SI 1200 cardiac scanner will bemoved from San Ramon, CA, and combined with manufacturing
Otsuka plans entree into MRI with high-field unit, low-field price
August 28th 1991Another Japanese vendor is targeting the U.S. for sales of high-quality,low-cost MRI systems, but this time with a twist: the MRI technologyand manufacturing base is American. Otsuka Electronics (USA) of Fort Collins, CO, will apply forFood and Drug
Toshiba trims regions, boosts financing support
August 14th 1991Toshiba America Medical Systems of Tustin, CA, reduced the numberof its U.S. sales and service regions from four to three, effectivethe first of this month. TAMS will expand staff in the remainingzones to provide more support for district managers. The
PET sales take breather after hot 1990
August 14th 1991While unit sales of mega-expensive positron emission tomographycameras are still nothing to shout about, the PET market showedbrisk growth last year. PET orders flattened out, however, inthe first half of 1991. GE installed or is in the process of
Maxum IPO registration reveals mobile losses
August 14th 1991Mobile imaging provider Maxum Health filed a registration statementwith the Securities and Exchange Commission last month for aninitial public offering of common stock. Maxum intends to sell1.5 million shares at a proposed maximum price of $13 per
GE joins crowd with baby cyclotron
August 14th 1991Scanditronix was omitted in our last issue from a list of vendors(SCAN 7/31/91) that have developed negative-ion cyclotrons--so-calledbaby cyclotrons--for the production of positron emission tomographyradiopharmaceuticals. Negative-ion machines don't
Use of Tc heart agents needs analytical support
August 14th 1991Food and Drug Administration approval earlier this year of technetium-labeledsingle-photon emission computed tomography cardiac perfusion agentsshould boost clinical demand for SPECT cameras. Market activitywill not pick up dramatically, however, until