Eric Postal, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Weird Injuries Rads See: Punching Walls
It’s not an isolated issue-patients seem to really like punching inanimate objects. Eric Postal dissects (and ranks) the average puncher’s motivation.
The Usefulness of Annoying Medical Intrusions
Though they take up a lot of time and energy, things like QA and medicolegal systems can be helpful.
The Big Impact of Small Mistakes
Just because a mistake is small doesn’t mean it can’t affect your work.
Radiologists Have Too Much to Do
Radiologists are finite, and it’s time to admit it.
How to run a guild (and, maybe, a radiology group), part 3
Seven tips to make your team better and your job easier.
How to run a guild (and, maybe, a radiology group), part 2
Attracting good talent doesn't have to be so hard-but you do need to put in a little effort.
How To Run A Guild (And, Maybe, A Radiology Group)
The difference between one group and the next may lie deep in the details.
Why Being Specific Is Important
If referring physicians would say what they really want, the life of a radiologist would be much easier.
Shedding Bad Habits During a Job Change
Perform a self-evaluation when switching jobs to make sure you haven’t fallen into habits that might hurt your standing at the new position.
The High-Stakes Poker Game of Job Negotiation
Know your audience to maximize your value.
Shedding My Skin: Yet Another Lesson From One of My Radiology Copilots
A hot radiology job market may make this the time for professional change.
The TAT Contagion
Turn-around times used to be important just for critical health issues, but have spread to even mundane tasks.
The Launch of GoodRads
Radiologists now have a safe haven where they can ask questions, share ideas or just enjoy interacting with others in the profession.
Diverging Knowledge-Boundaries
Learning (almost) as fast as during residency.
The Tightrope-Walk of Radiology Coverage
Too many rads or too much work? A balance can be hard to find.
Is It Time to Leave Your Current Radiology Gig?
The jobs are out there and the recruiters are calling. Should you take the chance?
Answer Me! …or, Y’Know What? Don’t.
An unanswered query can often tell you all you need to know.
Give Us This Day, Our Daily ICU Portable
Because no one is paying attention to them anyway, are all these diagnostic tests really necessary?
No, Scanning Isn't Just Pushing a Button
Better communication with patients will result in better scans.
Those Angry Radiologists
Complaints are often clues on how to improve patient care-if only someone would listen.
Those Numbers You Were Going to Crunch Might Be a Little Soggy
Even the best calculator struggles with the reality of a radiology career.
And Another Thing...
Addendum requests are rarely worth fighting.
Size Matters
Is it really so bad to have some of one’s impressions outsizing one’s findings?
Are You Seeing Tasks Through to Completion?
If more people followed through, we'd all spend less time following-up.
Another Momentous Discovery in the World of Patient Care
In our healthcare system, there isn’t a great sense of freedom of choice.
A Moment of Appreciation
Is the body more like art or a malfunctioning toilet?
That Doesn’t Help
Reasonable expectations are far from universally gratified in radiology.
Not Quite Striving for Perfection
Spelling-and anatomy-count when it comes to quality medicine.
When Experience Overrules Expertise
Experts who lack experience with a specific problem aren’t always right.
5 Habits of Successful Leaders
How to demonstrate to others that you are worthy of their trust and confidence.