Eric Postal, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Adding Substance to Your House of Cards
Your radiology career is a perpetual cycle of gaining experience that adds to your expertise and ensures your continued professional growth.
Cyclic Momentum
Paying attention to your cycles of energy and enthusiasm can lead to better work productivity and outcomes.
Your friend, the editor (part 2)
Envisioning the radiology editor – what could that look like?
Your Friend, The Editor (Part 1)
Contemplating an editor for radiology reports.
To Counterfeit-Coin a Phrase…
When imaging studies evoke classic movie sentiments.
Fool Me Twice? Thrice? Or Do We Need to Count Higher?
Will the lessons learned from this next surge of COVID-19 be enough to stop the spread?
Illusions of excellence and idiocy
The effect of inadvertent errors and oversights in the eye of the beholder.
Speaking Plainly
Word choice matters when it comes to professionalism and expertise.
A little self-doubt and being open to others' opinions and assessments can be a good thing.
What did we learn from COVID-19?
Five major themes for what the pandemic has taught us.
Being Poised for Post-COVID-19
Paying attention to imaging volume changes can have you standing at the ready to resume a more normal reading schedule.
Out in Left Field, But Not Necessarily Feeling Left Out
Clear, consistent communication during COVID-19 is still critical.
The New Normal in the Post-COVID-19 World
The future face of radiology remains to be seen as many questions about the virus’s impact on practice are, as yet, unanswered.
Out of Shape, Getting In
Getting back into the swing – with exercise or image reading – will likely be tough after COVID-19.
Some Thoughts on a “Doctor Draft” During COVID-19
Re-purposing providers without recent hands-on clinical experience.
Lifestyle of a Semi-Furloughed Teleradiologist: Productivity Without RVUs During COVID-19
With working hours cut and imaging volume down, how do you fill the day?
Being Needed…Or Not…During COVID-19
Not every radiologist is being overwhelmed by virus-related workloads.
Work From Home During COVID-19…If You Can
Teleradiology may already be maxxed out.
The COVID-19 Conundrum
Thoughts on the impact on COVID-19 on imaging.
The Goldilocks technique
Being persnickety about imaging-technique prefereces could lead to image-quality improvement.
Patience, Young Radiology Grasshopper…
Early career might not be the best time for a teleradiology position.
Sometimes, You Can See Whales
Making a diagnostic discovery can feel like catching an elusive glimpse while whale-watching.
Disconnected, Yet Tethered
When even power outages can’t dampen the self-created expectation for productivity.
Who’s going to read the X-rays? (And, who wants to?)
Do radiologists really want the responsibility of reading all X-rays?
Your Nodules Don’t Impress Me Much
Repeated calls for nodule follow-up can feel like spinning your wheels.
Thinking Outside the Pie
Stick to your strenghts to safeguard -- and increase -- your slice of the pie.
The Weirdness of Bonuses
The rhyme-and-reason -- or lack thereof -- of bonuses.
A year gone by: New flavors of teleradiology
The changing, more personalized, face of teleradiology
After-Lunch Drowsies
Maintaining your energy can help side-step mid-day fatigue.
Is this a good use of your time?
Highlighting -- and remedying -- inefficiencies can greatly augment your productivity whenever possible.