Eric Postal, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Addressing Diagnostic Encumbrance: the Weight of Many Findings
Does the assessment of complex cases in patients with multiple medical issues carry a certain psychological burden?
When I Had Extended Breaks Between Radiology Gigs
In addition to recharging one’s batteries, a temporary hiatus from employment may provide time for self-reflection and recognition of what you truly enjoy about your work.
Are You Running Around Your Backhand in Your Rad Job?
Does concern over productivity and RVUs prevent you from taking the time to address weaknesses and workflow inefficiencies?
Radiological Sophistication Part Two: Converting the Status-Quo Adversary Into an Ally for Change
The combination of subtle persuasion and allowing a decision-maker to own your idea can be a useful strategy to help remedy workflow inefficiencies.
Striving for Radiological Sophistication in a Sea of Workflow Inefficiencies
How advanced are we if we constantly settle for extra clicks, endless scrolling on multiphase contrast-enhanced scans and other pet peeves?
Career Changes and the Value of Perspective
Whether you are adjusting to a new venue, a new job, new coworkers or new software, patience and perseverance are key to adapting and excelling.
What They Didn't Tell You About Voice Recognition Software
Promoted as a helpful tool for increasing efficiency, voice recognition can be an endless source of frustration for radiologists.
Coming to Grips with Desktop Hyperplasia
Is there a tipping point when the technology you need overwhelms a workstation designed for optimal efficiency?
How to Recruit the Best Teleradiologists Without Upsetting On-Site Rads
Resolving this recruiting dilemma often comes down to how one spins the incentive “differentials.”
The Missing 'I' From Health-Care Teams
When unexpected curveballs lead to a paralysis of analysis by teams, having a small subgroup in place with executive authority can have a genuine impact.
Re-Earning Your Rad Work Ethic and Reputation
Complacency can be subtle and costly for one's career.
Overcoming the Durability of 'Won't' in Life and Rad Career
Are we defined by self-imposed limitations or our adaptability to changing circumstances?
Handling Work Volume: What Constitutes 'Speeding' for Radiologists?
Amid a landscape of reimbursement cuts, productivity-based pay, flat salary gigs and possible exposure to malpractice lawsuits, what is an optimal, efficient work pace?
Is a Pay-Per-Click Safety Net an Option for New Rad Jobs?
Would rad group employers consider a compensation model that offers a compromise between productivity-driven renumeration and a reasonable “floor” in the event of downtime?
Negotiating Employment Contracts: When Cleverness is a Receptor Blocker for Wisdom
A lack of flexibility in nailing down the final details of a radiology employment contract can put employers back at square one in the hiring cycle.
Are Recruiters Necessary in the Rad Job Market?
Does it pay to use outside recruiters or should rad groups handle this function internally to attract the best hires?
Do 'One Week On, One Week Off' Gigs Still Have Appeal in the Rad Job Market?
Abundance of seven-day workweek positions seems out of touch for recruiting radiologists.
Selling a Can-do Versatility with Finesse When Applying for Rad Jobs
A variety of imaging experience can open doors to new career opportunities, but subtle communication tips can be key to landing your next job.
Compensation for Radiology Gigs: Verboten Numbers or Show Me the Money?
Why it behooves radiology recruiters to include compensation in job posts
A Tale of Two Fortune Cookies: Embracing Imperfection
Perfection is a goal, one realistically never achieved.
Goals, Systems, and Self-Awarded Raises in Radiology: The Other Side of the Coin
Retaining good people should never be about giving them as little as you can get away with for as long as you can.
Give Yourself a Raise: Goals and Systems in Your Radiology Career, Part 3
A four-phase approach to moving onward and upward in your career.
Give Yourself a Raise: Goals and Systems in Your Radiology Career, Part 2
Always be improving yourself over the course of your career. The rad you are when you apply for your next job should be more competitive than you were when you got your current gig.
Give Yourself a Raise: Goals and Systems in Your Radiology Career, Part 1
Focus not on the finishing line, but on the course you can chart that will take you in that direction.
Always Be Learning (the right stuff)
The tricky part is that the best learning opportunities arise in situations of adversity, when you’re most likely to be distracted.
Ghosts in Radiology
Chase as few of those ghosts as you can in an effort to save your time and energy.
Things Unforeseen
Even though you can’t thoroughly plan for the unknown, there are some things that can make you more resilient for when it comes busting down your door.
Clicks and Curves
Not everything shows up on curves.
All Clicks Are Not Created Equal
There doesn’t have to be quite as much bean-counting aggravation behind the scenes.
Making the Most of Your Mental Warehouse
Considering how huge and packed with stuff the warehouse is, it’s kind of amazing that anything at all can be produced immediately on request.