Siemens seeks balanced portfolio of CT offerings
November 5th 2004In an industry that has come to define itself by numbers, Siemens Medical Solutions stands alone. According to company executives, it's not the number of CT slices that's important, nor the number of channels carrying data from the detector, and not even the speed at which the CT gantry turns. It's the resolution and robustness of the system and its ability to meet clinical needs within specific budgets.
Philips rolls out 40-slice CT while readying 64-slicer
November 5th 2004Strategy and tactics distinguish Philips in CT. Not long ago, the company was a nonplayer in this modality, reliant on suppliers to obtain scanners to sell under the Philips label. That changed in 2002 with the acquisition of Marconi Medical Systems, which transformed Philips into a CT powerhouse. At last year's RSNA meeting, the company leaped beyond the expected 32-slice configuration to offer a 40-slice array rotating at 0.42 second and covering most body organs without motion artifact.
Toshiba prepares one-two punch in multislice CT
November 5th 2004Toshiba's strength in CT is an outgrowth of its development of sensor technologies in key modalities. Efforts in CT have produced a 64-slice detector, which will be showcased at the RSNA meeting as part of a continuum of engineering that already extends to a 256-slice detector prototype. The company will display the prototype as evidence of its technological prowess.
Vendor-neutral teaching file system makes the grade
March 11th 2004A vendor-neutral method for integrating case input from any PACS workstation into a teaching file system was presented at the RSNA conference."This method requires no vendor cooperation, effort, or software modification," said Dr. David Avrin, of the
IHE provides guidelines for RIS/PACS integration
January 15th 2004No longer separate entities, the technologies of imaging and informatics are irreversibly linked. It is impossible for even the most modality-focused attendee who enters the technical exhibitions in McCormick Place not to recognize this. "Integrated
CE-CTA appears ready for routine internal carotid artery imaging
December 12th 2003Taiwanese researchers have found that contrasted-enhanced multidetector CT angiography is a perfect match for conventional angiography in differentiating between total and near-total occlusive disease and mapping the architectural landmarks of the
Ten principles make nasal imaging easier
December 1st 2003Diagnosing nasal lesions on the basis of CT and MR appearance alone can be difficult because many such lesions have nonspecific imaging characteristics. To resolve this problem, a group of radiologists led by Dr. Alla Godelman of Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn, NY, have devised 10 principles of nasal imaging.
Cardiologists' self-referral drives up imaging costs
December 1st 2003As Medicare passes through the congressional mill, the focus often turns to radiologists and the increasing cost of medical imaging. A recent report by Blue Cross/Blue Shield stated that radiologists are driving up healthcare costs. But Philadelphia researchers on Monday concluded that it is cardiologists -- not radiologists -- who are responsible for sharp hikes in dollars spent for medical imaging.
Communicating is easier said than done
December 1st 2003The first day of the RSNA meeting is always the best, perhaps because I have the most energy and enthusiasm. Ten years ago I didn't get tired until Thursday. Now I'm tired on Monday. I would like to blame it on changes in the meeting, but I have the same problem during a normal work week at home.
Theoretical advantages of stent do not reflect reality
December 1st 2003The Biliary Wallstent from Boston Scientific has been used for a decade for palliation of malignant obstructive jaundice. Although the newer Luminexx from German vendor Angiomed offers several theoretical advantages, researchers in the U.K. have found that those advantages do not hold up under close scrutiny.
Technique and patient prep prove key in detecting colon polyps with virtual colonoscopy
December 1st 2003Virtual colonoscopy is gaining in clinical stature as a viable screening tool for colon cancer, with high sensitivity and specificity in detecting colonic polyps. But proper technique and good patient preparation are key to success, according to research presented Monday.
Vendor-neutral teaching file system makes the grade
December 1st 2003A vendor-neutral method for integrating case input from any PACS workstation into a teaching file system was presented during a scientific session on Monday."This method requires no vendor cooperation, effort, or software modification," said Dr. David Avrin, of the department of radiology informatics at the University of Utah.