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European vendors tackle digital x-ray


The race to develop a digital x-ray detector is getting curiouserand curiouser. A consortium of European companies, including Siemens,Philips, and Thomson, have formed a joint venture to develop aflat-panel digital x-ray detector for medical imaging

The race to develop a digital x-ray detector is getting curiouserand curiouser. A consortium of European companies, including Siemens,Philips, and Thomson, have formed a joint venture to develop aflat-panel digital x-ray detector for medical imaging applications.The project must receive the go-ahead from European Commissionofficials, however, because it may violate European Union rulesprohibiting anticompetitive agreements, according to Reuters.

A Philips spokesperson said the three companies had agreednot to discuss the project publicly until the European Commissionrenders a decision. If the commission gives the consortium itsapproval, however, the vendors may be able to provide detailson the project at the upcoming Radiological Society of North Americameeting, the spokesperson said.

The three companies submitted their application for approvalAug. 1, and the commission may rule on the application in thenext two months, according to Reuters.

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Nina Kottler, MD, MS
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