Eric Postal, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Divergent Paths and the Protean “No”
Is it worth pushing radiologists out of their comfort zone?
People who deserve shame in radiology.
What’s the Password?
Passwords are increasingly difficult to keep track of.
The Best-laid (Backup) Plans
A little adjustment can go a long way.
When the Best-laid Schemes Gang Agley
When things are not what you expected.
The Joy (and Adaptive Value) of Discomfort
Don’t get me wrong about feeling discomfort.
Don’t Get Too Comfortable
The one thing that’s constant in radiology is change.
The Radiology Whisperer
Someone should be interpreting what the radiologist is saying.
Ten Little Radiologists and the Significant Digit
How radiologists react to new requirements can have a big impact.
Numbers in a Vacuum
There’s more behind the numbers.
Head in the Clouds
Applying radiology peer review to child’s play.
X-Ray Lemons into Radiological Lemonade
Reading X-rays is turning this radiologist back into a dayhawk.
Green Shoots
The signs of an uptick in the radiology job market?
The Bird in the Hand Might Have Avian Influenza
A look at the SGR-repeal bill.
The Not-So-Holy Grail of Equality
Are all radiologists equal?
Bellyachers of Different Flavors
How to deal with complainers.
Supply and Demand: Still a Dynamic Duo
Supply and demand play big roles in radiology.
The Four-Year-Itch
Why do we do everything in fours?
When Value Is Valueless
What if we paid for everything based on value?
A Word of Advice
When asking a radiologist for advice on how to better run a practice, listen to what they say.
All-inclusive just doesn’t work in health care.
:) If U R Able 2 Reed My Report
Sometimes artificial intelligence is unintelligent.
On Being a Holiday Shut-in
Radiologists can see everything that they are missing when they work holidays.
Decisions, Decisions
In decision support for imaging studies, who calls the shots?
Pay No Attention To That Radiologist Behind The Curtain, Please
People don’t need to see the true representation of radiologists.
My Foot Is Getting Wet, I’m Pretty Sure It’s Not Raining
Increasingly soaring insurance premiums and even greater deductibles mean the bad news of health care reform is finally hitting home.
The Straight Talkers
It’s time for radiologists and other clinicians to be direct.
Mangle Your MR
Tips for sabotaging your MR studies.
Fawlty Radiology
When no one reads the words on a radiology report, a frequent occurrence.
A Purgatory of PACS
In a radiologist’s afterlife, let the punishment fit the crime.