Eric Postal, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Another Radiological Halloween
The scariest part of the middle-of-the-night call for a radiologist is the lack of efficiency.
Guru or Geek?
Radiologists can choose to be gurus or geeks.
The Orkan, Bizarro-world Bottomless Well of Radiology
Unlike other careers, radiologists receive the best rewards as their career begins, and then gradually lose them.
Begin At The End
There isn’t much radiologists can do about others invading their turf.
They Might Not Be Geniuses
How to play chess with the big wigs in your radiology group.
Missing the Point
Panic sets in when radiologists receive their peer-reviewed cases highlighting a miss.
The Pavlovian Radiologist
Radiologists have a Pavlovian response to a ringing phone.
No, I Won’t Tell You What’s Wrong
Are our clinical colleagues intentionally holding back relevant case history? I’d like to see what would happen if there were consequences for such information hoarding.
Sometimes a radiologist just needs to vent.
Birds of Another Radiological Feather
Birds and physicians are no different after all.
More Noctor Nonsense
Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time this radiologist was confronted with a lack of knowledge.
The Tungsten Sledgehammer
A letter to the radiologist dedicated to over-radiating patients.
Priceless? Worthless? Or Clueless?
In radiology, being clueless, like being ignorant, can be bliss.
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic…and Radiology
One can only hope that a grade school education is required to order an imaging study.
A Matter of Protocol
Recommending protocols and then interpreting the exam’s study is a satisfying feeling for radiologists.
Quality Without Qualification
Radiologists should keep doing the good job we’ve already been trying to do.
Is That Really Your Final Answer?
We need to set a standard for the “terms” of radiology reports. Part 2 of 2.
Is That Your Final Answer?
It can be difficult to decipher who has final say in radiology reports. Part 1 of 2.
Summer Rads, Makes Me Feel Fine
Longer days correspond directly with an increase in volume of imaging studies.
The Reluctant Academician
The decision to go into private practice didn’t stop me from trying to teach other radiologists a thing or 2.
Radiology Consults: Help Them Help You
Tips on getting a favorable response when asking for a consult. Part 2 of 2.
Don’t Interrupt Me
Consultations with other radiologists can seem disruptive, but there are ways to get a favorable response. Part 1 of 2.
Implementing “Loser Pays” in Radiology
The peer review process could learn from the rule of a challenge in Scrabble.
Lessons Learned from a PPD Skin Test
Fulfilling the teleradiologist requirement to have annual PPD tests has taught me important life lessons.
The Agony of the MOC
Radiologists aren’t exaggerating, exams have transformed, and they’re ugly.
Radiology Salaries are Down, Now What?
Survey says radiology compensation is down from last year. Maybe we should keep that our little secret.
The Reality of Radiology: A Synopsis
Radiology is changing, and some of my other musings.
Hanging Up is Hard [for a Radiologist] to Do
An attempt to perfect the art of ending a communicating-results phone call with a referring clinician.
The Pixel: Pathology or Pest?
A radiologist’s battle with a taunting pixel: I think I won, for now.
Not Necessarily the MOC Exam
Forget the controlled environment of the MOC exam. Here’s my version of an exam to really test real-world radiology aptitude.