Elscint picks radiologist to head U.S. effort
November 17th 1993Elscint's small position in the U.S. MRI market has proven a blessingin disguise for the Israeli multimodality medical imaging vendor.While MRI suppliers with a larger stake in the U.S. reel froma dramatic drop in system sales (SCAN 11/3/93), Elscint's
Siemens plans integrated fast MRI
November 17th 1993Despite the onset of health-care reform, there is still room inmedical imaging for good old-fashioned technological innovation.This year's Radiological Society of North America meeting is acase in point, particularly in MRI. Industry leaders Siemens
New Siemens and GE scanners put interventional MRI on the map
November 17th 1993There may be a cure for MRI sales depression: Take two aspirinsand expand applications. With routine MRI procedure volume saggingin the U.S., vendors are scurrying to move the modality into newrealms, such as interventional MRI. Cutting-edge
Shimadzu targets 1-tesla MRI niche
November 17th 1993Shimadzu Medical Systems is beefing up its 1-tesla MRI lineupwith two new scanners to be unveiled at the Radiological Societyof North America meeting this month. The new systems spearheada renaming of the Japanese vendor's MRI product line, accordingto
Toshiba RSNA line shows U.S. input
November 17th 1993Toshiba America Medical Systems is planning a full-court pressat this month's Radiological Society of North America meeting.In an effort to secure a greater U.S. market share, the Japanesevendor is introducing a range of new products, many of which
ALI mini-PACS supports dual digital standards
November 3rd 1993The development of picture archiving and communications systemsfor ultrasound has been marked by a conflict between competingdigital imaging standards. While many vendors are lining up behindACR-NEMA's digital imaging and communications in medicine
Imaging sales sag in Europe, but vendors expect an upturn
November 3rd 1993Sales of medical imaging systems in Europe will finish the yeareither flat or down slightly from 1992 on account of general economicsluggishness and the desire of government authorities to restraingrowing health-care budgets. Signs are, however, that the
California start-up firm targets mammography CAD
October 20th 1993Computer-aided diagnosis of mammography exams was moved one stepcloser to commercial reality with the signing last month of alicensing agreement between the University of Chicago and R2 Technology.The California start-up company is raising financial
Loral prepares for PACS prime time
October 20th 1993Loral Aerospace is one of the heaviest hitters in the picturearchiving and communications market, but the company has yet tostep up to the plate and demonstrate its ability at a major radiologymeeting. That's about to change. Loral plans to show its
Spiral CT begins take off as technology matures
October 20th 1993Although somewhat slow out of the starting gate, spiral CT haspicked up speed commercially this year. The technology was a hottopic at the European Congress of Radiology conference in Viennalast month and is sure to be featured prominently at the
IBM and PACS partner Genesys clash over Florida installation
October 20th 1993Cracks are appearing in the relationship between picture archivingand communications systems partners IBM and Genesys. IBM lastmonth fired the Orlando, FL, company from an IBM PACS job at aFlorida hospital. Genesys this month countered with a
Magnevist wins approval for whole-body usage
October 20th 1993The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of MRI contrastagent Magnevist for whole-body applications, making the productthe first agent to be cleared for use outside the central nervoussystem. The FDA's action will improve Magnevist's
Lunar enters niche MRI with Esaote agreement
October 6th 1993Any vendor--particularly a small one--hoping to break into theMRI market during these depressed times needs to find a more cost-effectiveMR mousetrap and a secure niche in which to sell it. Bone densitometrysupplier Lunar will use a North American MRI
Siemens implements streamlined structure in U.S.
September 16th 1993Siemens will carry out a radical restructuring of its U.S. operationsnext month. Structural changes will coincide with the hiring ofa new president for Siemens Medical Systems in Iselin, NJ, accordingto Werner Maly, group president of the worldwide
Alliance restructures to upgrade aging MRI fleet
September 16th 1993Mobile imaging services provider Alliance Imaging last week announceda restructuring plan to modernize its fleet of MRI scanners. TheOrange, CA, company plans to put 21 magnets out to pasture andreplace many with new 1-tesla scanners, according to
Philips moves first in direct-sensor CR
September 16th 1993Philips Medical Systems took a pioneering step last week withthe introduction of a direct-sensor computed radiography system.The selenium-based ThoraVision digital chest system is the firstnon-phosphor CR system offered by a major multimodality
Radiologist start-up offers low-cost PACS solution
September 16th 1993If you build a better image management system, will the worldbeat a path to your door? That question is facing two radiologistswho have set out on their own to market a low-cost picture archivingand communications system. Dominator Radiology Systems