Radiologists back universal coverage, pan 'public option'
October 6th 2009In an online survey conducted by Diagnostic Imaging, members of the diagnostic radiology community expressed strong support for the idea that healthcare reform should guarantee access to care for most or all U.S. residents.
Calcium scoring fills imaging triage role
October 6th 2009Coronary artery calcium scoring has been tested at the University of Western Ontario to flag nuclear myocardial perfusion scans that missed the presence of three-vessel coronary artery disease, and to triage patients who need coronary CT angiography or cardiac catheterization.
Image Gently addresses IR to reduce bad practices
October 6th 2009Expansion of the Image Gently radiation reduction campaign to interventional radiology has coincided with a disturbing study from the International Atomic Energy Agency indicating that image-guided interventions performed in developing countries are exposing patients to extraordinary levels of ionizing radiation.
Postprocedural complication of vertebroplasty
October 6th 2009A 60-year-old woman, diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma, sought medical relief for intense back pain. The neurological exam revealed a slight deficit in strength and degree of left leg extension, without tone or sensibility deficits or atrophy of the lower extremities.
Physicians should seize malpractice reform opportunity
October 6th 2009In his Sept. 9 address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama opened the door to a discussion of changes in the medical malpractice system, saying he was instructing the Department of Health and Human Services to revive an idea from the Bush administration
Hospitals sidestep leasing despite credit crunch
October 6th 2009Results of a survey of hospital-based radiology practice directors suggest the credit crunch that has accompanied the national recession does not appear to have promoted interest among hospital administrators in leasing as an option for obtaining new medical equipment.
International effort leads to free journal access
October 6th 2009The International Society of Radiology has launched Global Outreach Radiology, a program that aims to allow radiologists in developing nations to view selected practical educational articles from peer-reviewed journals online at no charge.