International experts, cutting-edgetechnology impress RSNA newbie
February 1st 2009As an experienced journalist but a neophyte to radiology, I went to Chicago with a healthy mixture of curiosity and trepidation. I had prepared for the RSNA sessions I was assigned to cover but wondered if the megatechnical presentations would be over my head.
Clinicians identify tacticsthat minimize risk of NSF
February 1st 2009Studies examining the clinical historiesof patients who developednephrogenic systemic fibrosis aftertreatment at distinguished teachinghospitals in New York City andVienna suggest that gadoliniumbasedcontrast dose and post-MRIhemodialysis are keys to controllingthe rare but deadly skin disorder
Incidental finding on MRIpoints to multiple sclerosis
February 1st 2009An incidental finding of multiple sclerosistypelesions during brain MRI is no fluke. Anew study has found that some patientsdevelop the physical symptoms of the diseasewithin five years of the abnormalities'discovery on MRI.