Women's Health CT


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Can Polyenergetic Reconstruction Help Resolve Streak Artifacts in Photon Counting CT?
Can Polyenergetic Reconstruction Help Resolve Streak Artifacts in Photon Counting CT?

July 22nd 2024

New research looking at photon-counting computed tomography (PCCT) demonstrated significantly reduced variation and tracheal air density attenuation with polyenergetic reconstruction in contrast to monoenergetic reconstruction on chest CT.

New Study Assesses the Impact of CT Radiation on Mortality at 10 Years
New Study Assesses the Impact of CT Radiation on Mortality at 10 Years

July 19th 2024

Systematic Review: PET/MRI May be More Advantageous than PET/CT in Cancer Imaging
Systematic Review: PET/MRI May be More Advantageous than PET/CT in Cancer Imaging

July 18th 2024

Study Shows Benefits of mpMRI over Dual-Energy CT for Gastric Cancer Staging
Study Shows Benefits of mpMRI Over Dual-Energy CT for Gastric Cancer Staging

July 17th 2024

Image IQ Quiz: 30-Year-Old Woman with Fever and Headache
Image IQ Quiz: 30-Year-Old Woman with Fever and Headache

July 16th 2024

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