Most patients who have been offered colorectal cancer screening but turned it down are willing to undergo CT colonography as long as out-of-pocket fees are reasonable, according to a study.
Most patients who have been offered colorectal cancer screening but turned it down are willing to undergo CT colonography as long as out-of-pocket fees are reasonable, according to a study.
Of 68 patients who participated in the questionnaire, 83% said they would be willing to undergo CT colonography. However, 70% said they would not be willing to pay out-of-pocket fees if insurance did not cover the study. Among the 30% who said they would pay the fees, the average amount they were willing to pay (mean: $244, median: $150) was well below currently charged rates (AJR 2010;195:393-397).
Although the values may have been influenced by the study's small size, the values are consistent with the cost-effectiveness analysis by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality performed for CMS, the authors wrote. CMS found CT colonography could become a cost-effective screening strategy if its cost were $200 or less.
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